Marketing translation

Acquire new customers with specialist marketing translations 

Marketing translation

Marketing copy includes tailored messages that use applied psychology to reach and motivate target groups. The emotional aspect of marketing copy plays a vital role, which explains why it’s so difficult to translate marketing and sales material well.

Marketing translation goes beyond converting content into another language. Instead, it involves the adaptation and localisation of advertising campaigns and marketing initiatives for target audiences that speak a foreign language. To ensure that these audiences understand a company’s advertising messages correctly, the content needs to be adapted to reflect those cultures. To work at this level, translators need more than just excellent language skills as native speakers. They also need to be well versed in their target country’s culture and be able to write appealing, persuasive content that works with local audiences. In some cases, they also need to know about specific sub-cultures within the relevant target group – such as youth cultures, which differ significantly from those of adult society.

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Marketing translation
Marketing translation
Marketing translation

“Successful marketing doesn’t happen by chance. It’s created by the emotions that remain etched in our memories. We translate and transcreate marketing and SEO content that lays the foundation for our clients’ international success.”

Sarah Giebmanns
Marketing Manager Translation & Localisation

Creativity plays an important role in marketing translations

Marketing campaigns are designed using creative ideas that can rarely be translated literally and used all over the world. It is much more often the case that at least parts of the campaign need to be adapted so that they will be understood in a different cultural context and will still have the same effect on the target audience. After all, when it comes to marketing, advertising and PR, the aim is not to produce informative technical text, but to speak to the target audience on an emotional level and promote the desired change in behaviour.

Our translation agency achieves this through localisation and transcreation. This is a form of translation that does not require the translator to stick to the source text quite so strictly, but instead allows them to interpret the content freely and create a translation that best suits the marketing objectives in the target market. Localisation and transcreation are used for all types of marketing texts – such as presentations, brochures, magazines, advertising campaigns, TV spots, websites, advertising messages, banners, claims and slogans.

Have your marketing text translated and adapted to the relevant target markets

Because we use localisation and transcreation when translating marketing texts, we adapt your source text in line with the requirements of the local target market. We don’t just translate your texts into the target language, instead we adapt them to the cultural context of the target groups in other countries. Only in this way do the readers, your potential customers, get the feeling that a product or service has been designed especially for them and your advertising message is communicated optimally.

Have product names translated for target markets

Having the right product name is one of the most important factors in determining whether a product is successful or not. But not every product name is suitable for internationalisation. We check and assess your product names in the planned target markets – taking into account aspects such as the way the name sounds, its meaning, positive and negative associations and the competitive environment. If necessary, we help you to come up with a new name that is adapted to the language and culture of the target market and ideally reflects the brand essence of your product.

Have headlines and claims professionally translated for international campaigns

Headlines and claims often use wordplay or are based on cultural backgrounds that are not understood everywhere in the world. It is very difficult to write claims and headlines that can be used internationally without any adaptations. Even the trick of using English expressions to make the content understood all over the world only works on rare occasions. One of the most well-known examples of advertising slogans gone wrong is the slogan “Come in and find out” used by one leading perfume retail chain. For the most part, the English slogan was completely misunderstood by the German-speaking target audience, who interpreted the slogan as “Come in and then find your way back out”, which, of course, was not the marketer’s intention.

That’s why you should invest a little time before entering foreign markets and allow us to evaluate your headlines and claims. We identify problems, develop appropriate formulations in foreign languages and ensure that your headlines and claims are understood by your target groups in other countries – whether they are in English, Spanish, Russian, Italian or another language.

Good translations also consider aesthetics

Texts in different languages often have different lengths: “New!” becomes “Nouveau !” in French – 9 characters instead of 4. An increase in the length of the text by up to 300% is not unusual, meaning that the text content no longer fits in the layout. We can inform your graphic designers of the problem or discuss sensible ways to shorten or abbreviate the text with you. This ensures that the text and images create an attractive overall picture.

Certified quality for your marketing translations

The translators we use for your specialist translations are experts in marketing and advertising. They translate fashion magazines, flyers, posters, advertisements, press releases, newsletter, printed brochures and much more. Together with our team of copyeditors, they ensure that you receive high-quality international marketing content that speaks to your customers. Our ISO certification, which confirms that we work according to the ISO quality standard, serves as a guarantee that your marketing texts are in the right hands.

Professional marketing translations by intercontact

As an experienced translation agency, intercontact uses its expertise and the latest tools to provide global brands with high-quality marketing translations. Experienced translators working in their native language, professional linguists and a tried-and-tested IT and language technology team help you create a confident and attractive presence in international markets.

Our processes are designed with quality and efficiency in mind, and our translations are carried out in accordance with the international ISO 17100 standard. The four-eyes principle we follow, which involves the translation being checked by a second translator, gives you even more peace of mind.

Where do you want to increase your market share? Which target groups do you want to appeal to with your brand or product portfolio? In which language? Take advantage of our expertise in marketing translation and let us advise you. The first consultation is free.

Case studies

Successful marketing translations for our customers


You too can benefit from our extensive marketing translation expertise.

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Here’s what our satisfied customers
have to say

The team at the translation agency intercontact puts your requirements first. As a reliable translation agency, we want to exceed your expectations and offer you tailored services – for excellent results every time.

“Here at GERRY WEBER we are very satisfied! For us, intercontact is an absolutely reliable, competent partner who always delivers on time and convinces with its work. Many thanks to the entire team for the good cooperation!“
“The projects are managed quickly and professionally by intercontact and are always delivered on time. Especially for translations with fast turnaround times, their prompt delivery is particularly impressive. In the event of uncertainties or queries relating to projects, communication is very good and interactions with our contact partners are always very pleasant.“
“We are very happy with our working relationship with intercontact. The translation agency is professional, reliable and adapts to the individual requirements of its customers. We created two new foreign-language online shops with intercontact. We had a very positive experience with both of these projects, in addition to the ongoing product and content translations. The translations are high quality, and – particularly when it comes to the content translation, where meaning matters and word play cannot be translated literally – it is clear that the intercontact translators are real experts.“
“What we really value about our cooperation with intercontact is the reliable and professional way the projects are handled. Even when we have urgent projects with fast turnaround times, we can always rely on intercontact. And last but not least, the friendly communication creates a good working atmosphere.“
“What we particularly appreciate about our cooperation with intercontact is the reliable and professional implementation of the orders. Even when spontaneous tasks have to be completed, we can always rely on intercontact. And last but not least, the friendly tone also creates a good working atmosphere.“
“It’s great that we happened to find intercontact. No other translation agency we’ve worked with has been this flexible, reliable, fast and cooperative. We get results for every project in no time at all that inspire our customers on a regular basis. Keep doing what you’re doing!“
“Cooperation and communication with intercontact is smooth and direct. Specific translation requests are taken into account and implemented. Overall, we value the friendly client-agency cooperation and their timely management and look forward to working on projects together in the future.“
“We have had a brilliant working relationship with intercontact for years! Reliability, timely deliveries and tremendous dedication are just some of the highlights of our cooperation to date. What’s more, when a really urgent ad-hoc implementation is requested, intercontact does everything within its power to deliver results in a timely manner. Keep doing what you’re doing!“
“Intercontact has proven itself to be a very reliable and professional partner for translation management. The jointly developed interface solution automates many processes, which ultimately frees up resources in the relevant teams.“


Your copy translated perfectly

Having text translated is a matter of trust. Because every word counts. Put your trust in the translation agency intercontact for the very best results. We conform to the ISO 17100 international standard for every translation. This is the international process standard for translation service providers that specifies requirements for all aspects of the translation process, including IT security and IT infrastructure. This means that our customers can always count on controlled processes, high quality standards and maximum IT security.

Find out more

CSA Research

intercontact ranks among the
25 largest translation agencies

CSA Research

Our translation agency sits in 21th place on the list of top language service providers in Western Europe curated by CSA Research (previously known as Common Sense Advisory). The rankings are based on revenue figures from 2023 for companies in the language services and technology market. The sector includes more than 27,000 companies ranging from local boutique agencies to global players.

Find out more
CSA Research


Technical glossary

Occasionally, you’ll come across some unfamiliar terms on the intercontact website or when talking to people in the localisation and translation industry. You’ll find many of these terms listed here with short explanations.

You can find more terms in our glossary
Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Übersetzungsbüro


We will be happy to help you

We, the intercontact translation agency, are available to you in person, over the phone, via e-mail or in an online meeting and we are always happy to hear from you. We are here to discuss any questions you may have about having your copy and documents translated and will be glad to create a personalised quote for you.


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