Have your subtitles & captions translated by intercontact

Today, a growing number of people use find subtitles and captions useful – and it’s true, they are practical and efficient. Initially only used by people with hearing impairments, captions help many more than those who need them for accessibility. They’ve also become more widespread over the course of digitalisation as new areas of application emerge. The scope of possibilities ranges from foreign language films to live captioning during lectures, panel talks and interviews. Other captions for images and videos are also considered as subtitles as they’re placed below the illustration.

However they’re used, subtitles make life easier, provide a clearer overview and offer a means of assistance. When it comes to foreign language content such as films, subtitles serve as a continuous translation. With live or real-time captioning for audio or video conferences, the subtitles appear just after the spoken words, similar to interpreting. As you can see, subtitles can be used in all kinds of settings, and that’s where we come into play as a translation agency.

Subtitles for better understanding

With subtitles, it’s important to adapt the text to the image format and to plan the time needed for reading. Both images and videos are now equipped with this communication aid. With videos, it’s easy to understand the purpose of subtitles, however, with a photo you might wonder what the point is.

From a marketing perspective, they help customers to instantly understand what your product or service is about and what to look for. Otherwise, in our swipe society, your content might be quickly swept away. Captions help to directly convey the message you want your customers to understand.

Subtitles for languages have become indispensable

A rising number of consumers watching streaming services, films and online news enjoy hearing the original language and soundtrack. Yet, at the same time, they don’t want to miss out on fully understanding the content. Here’s where subtitles fill the bill.

Hearing the original language and soundtrack while reading native-language subtitles is becoming increasingly popular among viewers. Alongside this new trend, there are also formats, like music, which simply aren’t available in the viewer’s native language. Subtitles offer the ideal solution here as well. Equally, at important company meetings, investor pitches, discussions and lectures, subtitles offer the ideal complement to your presentation.

With intercontact at your side, you can help your customers, viewers and colleagues understand what you’re saying by having your subtitles translated – conveniently and easily. With years of professional experience and specialist knowledge in local languages, our native-speaking linguists will ensure that your subtitles are translated perfectly. Make sure your words resonate with your audience and offer your subtitles in their local language.


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